
Umwelt are currently preparing a Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for the Warracknabeal Energy Park (the Project). This survey aims to capture your feedback regarding the proposed Project, specifically relating to:

  • Acceptance, awareness and interest of the Project;
  • Perceived impacts and opportunities of the Project;
  • Community needs and values; and
  • Your preferences for engagement and information needs moving forward.

The Project

The developers (WestWind Energy - Warracknabeal Energy Park Pty Ltd: hereby referred to as WAEP) are investigating the potential development of a wind energy facility, which will involve the construction and operation of approximately 207 wind turbines and associated electrical infrastructure.

The project would consist of two wind farm sections located approximately 6km north-west and 7km south-west of Warracknabeal, within the Yarriambiack Local Government Area, Victoria. The Project will be connected to the National Electricity Market (NEM) via the Murra Warra Terminal Station via a 220 kV overhead transmission line.

For more information, the Project's website is and the project phone number is (03) 5421 9926.

Subject to development approval, it is expected that total employment of around 1950 full-time equivalent jobs during construction and 190 full-time equivalent jobs once operational.

All information you provide is confidential and will not be linked to your name or contact details this data will be used to inform the social impact assessment (SIA) for this Project.

This survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Demographic information

Question Title

* 1. Who is completing this survey? (this question requires an answer)

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* 2. Which is your age group?

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* 3. Do you identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?

Question Title

* 4. Which gender do you identify with?

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* 5. Do you live or work in Yarriambiack Local Government Area (LGA)?

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* 6. If you answered yes to the previous question, how long (in years) have you lived and/or worked in Yarriambiack LGA?

Acceptance, Awareness and Interest

Question Title

* 7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of acceptance of renewable energy project developments in the region, where 1 is a low level of acceptance, and 10 is a high level of acceptance? Why did you provide that rating?

1 (low) 10 (high)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. Prior to this survey, have you been contacted by Warracknabeal Energy Park Pty Ltd (WAEP)? If yes, how was your experience?

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* 9. Prior to this survey, had you heard of, or were you aware of this renewable energy Project (Warracknabeal Energy Park)? If so, how have you heard about it?

Question Title

* 10. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of knowledge of the
Warracknabeal Energy Park Project, where 1 is a low level of knowledge, and 10 is a high level of knowledge?

1 (low) 10 (high)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 11. Why did you provide this rating?

Question Title

* 12. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your level of acceptance of the proposed Warracknabeal Energy Park Project, where 1 is a low level of acceptance, and 10 is a high level of acceptance?

1 (low) 10 (high)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 13. Why did you provide this rating?

Project Impacts and Benefits

Question Title

* 14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall level of concern in relation to Warracknabeal Energy Park Project, where 1 is a low level of concern, and 10 is a high level of concern?

1 (low) 10 (high)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 15. Why did you provide this rating?

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* 16. What do you see as the positive impacts/opportunities associated with the Project and why? What could WAEP do to enhance these impacts?

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* 17. What do you see as the negative impacts associated with the Project and why? Whatcould WAEP do to reduce these impacts?

Question Title

* 18. Below are some potential positive impacts that may be associated with renewable energy developments. On a scale of 1 to 7, please rank the level of importance for each potential positive impact from 1 (very unimportant) to 7 (very important).

  1 (very unimportant) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (very important)
Positive role in the energy transition through provision of green energy
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions through provision of green energy
Increased procurement opportunities for local businesses and service providers
Increased training and education opportunities for local residents resulting in labour pool growth
Benefits to local community through community benefit sharing funds / increased investment social investment and sponsorship
Provision of additional sources of income for landholders through benefits payments, enhancing local livelihoods
Increased population growth associated with workforce influxes creating opportunities for enhanced community development and sustainability
Provision of a reliable and affordable source of energy for large users
Population retention in regional communities due to enhanced local employment opportunities
Improved opportunities for industry and economic diversity

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* 19. Would you like to add any justifications or comments for any of your ratings from the previous question?

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* 20. Below are some potential negative impacts that may be associated with renewable energy developments. On a scale of 1 to 7, please rank the level of importance for each potential negative impact where 1 is a not concerned at all, and 7 is extremely concerned.

  1 (not concerned at all) 2 3 4 5 6 7
Impacts on local flora and fauna, particularly potential for bird and bat strikes
Incoming construction workforce causing strain on local health services
Incoming construction workforce placing increased pressure on housing and accommodation availability / affordability
Impacts on social amenity due to construction activities (e.g. noise, dust, vibration)
Impacts on social amenity due to operational wind turbine noise
Increased traffic and road changes causing disruption / delays / increased travel time
Public safety concerns due to increased traffic
Reduced visual amenity due to changes in the landscape
Inappropriate management of waste during the decommissioning phase leading to environmental degradation
Uncertainty regarding the process for selection of the site as a wind energy park
Impacts to Aboriginal Cultural Heritage values, including artefacts, cultural sites, and connection to Country
Reduced sense of community / community cohesion as a result of the proposed Project
Differing levels of social acceptance and benefit associated with the Project, creating social division
Changes to rural amenity, due to industrialisation of the landscape, impacting people's sense of place
Changes to community composition and community cohesion due to incoming construction workforces
Increased stress and anxiety due to uncertainties associated with Project development
Lack of trust in decision making and engagement systems and ability to influence Project decisions
Safety risks for aircraft due to height and quantity of turbines
Disruptions / changes to existing aerial activities, e.g. recreational gliding, aerial spraying
Concerns for public safety due to increased fire hazards / reduced access for fire and emergency management
Cumulative impacts of multiple concurrent and nearby major projects
Potential decline in property values
Disruption to existing farming practices and loss of agricultural productivity

Question Title

* 21. Would you like to add any justifications or comments for any of your ratings from the previous question?

Community Values and Needs

Question Title

* 22. Are there any landscapes or views close to the Project site that are of significant value to yourself, your business, or your community?

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* 23. What are the best lookouts/public viewing areas in the area? If you have a visitor, where do you take them to best showcase your local area?

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* 24. Warracknabeal Energy Park have committed to establishing a Community Fund once the energy park is operational to deliver benefits to the local community. What initiatives or programs do you think would be good for the company to contribute to or support in the community?

Information Provision and Engagement

Question Title

* 25. Is there anything additional information would you like to receive on the Project and/or its assessment process?

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* 26. Would you like to be kept up to date with Project information? (if so, please share your contact details below)

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* 27. Contact Information

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* 28. What are the better ways for WAEP to provide information to you as part of the Project? (Can select multiple options)

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* 29. Do you have anything else to add or any further questions we can pass on to the project team?