The Coalition of Northern Air Services & Stakeholders are seeking your assistance to advocate for a deferral and/or exemption for 703 aircraft operators from the new Transport Canada Flight Duty Time regulations that took effect on December 12, 2022. We are interested in learning how the new Transport Canada Flight Duty Times regulations will impact air service providers and their clients. Please answer the portions of this survey that are applicable to you. Your information will help to guide our advocacy efforts. We may also contact you to request permission to share your story or to seek your participation in media outreach.

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* 1. Please enter your contact information:

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* 2. What type of operation is your air service? Check all that apply.

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* 3. Do you operate fixed wing or rotor aircraft?

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* 4. What type of aircraft do you operate?

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* 5. Where is your homebase of operations? (ex: Yellowknife, NWT)

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* 6. Where is your Transport Canada Regional Office? (ex: PNR - Edmonton)

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* 7. What communications have you had with Transport Canada on this issue? (Please send copies of any relevant correspondence/documentation to

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* 8. Has Transport Canada taken enforcement action in respect of this issue? If yes provide details.

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* 9. Have you presented a solution for your business to Transport Canada? If yes, what has their response been?
Please send a copy of any responses you may have received to

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* 10. What impacts have the new regs had (or will have) on your business? Please provide details. 

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* 11. What additional costs do you expect the regulations to have on your business/business operations? Please provide a detailed list here. 

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* 12. If there are cost impacts, what is the percent increase/decrease in costs as a result of the new regs?

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* 13. Will the new regulations increase or decrease the current levels of service you are providing to clients?

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* 14. Will you need to hire more pilots in order to comply with these new regulations?

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* 15. If yes, how many new pilots do you think you will need to hire in order to comply?

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* 16. Do you have any additional comments you'd like to share?