1. Course Evaluation Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete this feedback form about our services. We value your feedback and will use your responses ‘in confidence’ as part of our commitment to continuously improve the services we offer.
Please answer the following questions, these questions have been developed to ensure the learning environment and learning outcomes we provide are meeting your needs throughout our training and assessment services.

Question Title

* Date

If any question is not relevant to you please select not applicable (N/A)
Please put a tick in the box you agree with.

Question Title

* How well was your learning experience organised?

  Not at all Not very well Fairly well Very well Extremely well N/A
Well planned and organised?
Run on time as stated?
Clear and easy to follow?
Learning material interesting?
Documentation and resources well organised and presented?

Question Title

* Was the content of the course?

  Not at all Not very well Fairly well Very well Extremely well N/A
Useful for your work?
Theory and practical activities well balanced?
All fitted together well and making sense?
Challenging enough?
Relevant to your needs?

Question Title

* Did the tasks of the course?

  Not at all Not very well Fairly well Very well Extremely well  N/A
Have clear instructions about what you had to do?
Tasks challenging enough?
Tasks marked in good time?
Comments and feedback on your tasks was helpful?
Tasks were reflective of what we learnt?

Question Title

* Your lecturer

  Not at all Not very well Fairly well Very well Extremely well N/A
Appeared well prepared?
Easy to understand?
Easy to contact?
Delivery of course / unit content was paced just right?
Encourage students to ask questions when relevant?
If there were guest lecturers, was the information provided by them useful?

Question Title

* How did you find out about us?

Question Title

* How did you first contact us?

Question Title

* In my opinion the best aspects of CTAS are:

Question Title

* In my opinion the following improvements could be made:

Question Title

* Is there any other training you would like us to conduct?

Question Title

* Would you recommend CTAS to anyone else?

Thank you once again for taking the time to complete this Evaluation Form.

This evaluation sheet is meant to be part of a dynamic process.  We will use this information to assist in the development and improvement of our courses and services we deliver to you.

Question Title

* Name (Optional) This option will enable us to contact you for further information if required.

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100% of survey complete.