1. A Questionnaire for Pregnant Women

This survey is designed to be completed by women who are attending their dating scan. Your answers will help us understand what we can do to improve our Screening Services for our population, so we can provide the best possible service to expectant mothers and their families. Many thanks in advance for completing.
At your booking appointment with your community midwife : 

Question Title

* 1. Were you signposted to written information on screening tests for you and your baby? 

At your booking appointment, have you had the opportunity to discuss your screening options with a heath professional for :

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* 2. Antenatal booking bloods - infectious diseases (HIV, Hep B and Syphilis) and Haemoglobinopathy (Sickle cell and thalassaemia)

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* 3. 1st trimester screening for Down's syndrome, Edwards and Patau's syndromes (fetal anomaly) 

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* 4. Quad Test / 2nd trimester for Downs syndrome (if not able to have 1st trimester screening) 

Did the health professional explain your screening options in a way that you could understand for: 

Question Title

* 5. Antenatal booking bloods - Infectious diseases (HIV, Hep B and Syphilis) and Haemoglobinopathy (Sickle Cell and Thalassemia) 

Question Title

* 6. 1st trimester screening for Downs Syndrome, Edwards and Patau's Syndrome (fetal anomaly) 

Have you received the results when expected for :

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* 7. Antenatal booking bloods - Infectious diseases (HIV, Hep B and Syphilis) and Haemoglobinopathy (Sickle Cell and Thalassemia) 

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* 8. Overall, have you been treated with dignity and respect by all staff?

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* 9. Overall, how would you rate your experience of the Antenatal Screening Service?

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* 10. What did we do well?

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* 11. What could we do better?

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* 12. Do you consent to your anonymous responses being used for service improvement purposes? 

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* 13. Please enter todays date
