Recommedation to the District Assembly (813.2) This form is to be filled out Annually for District Licensed Ministers, Deaconess' License, Director of Christian Education License, or other ministerial communions. Question Title * 1. Name of Individual being recommened First Name Last Name Question Title * 2. Choose the Appropriate Board Church Board District Advisory Board Question Title * 3. Church New England District Advisory Board Auburn, MA Cornerstone Community Belmont, MA Haitian Bermuda, New Life Beverly, MA Living Hope Brockton, MA Brockton, MA Haitian Brockton, MA Maranatha Brockton, MA Nova Alianca Burlington-Williston, VT Cambridge, MA Betesda Cambridge, MA Bethel Haitian Cambridge, MA First Chelsea, MA Hispanic Iglesia de Nazareno de Chelsea Dalton, MA Berkshire First Danielson, CT Dennis, MA Cape Cod Haitian Church of the Nazarene Danvers, MA Dennis, MA (Cape Cod) Derry, NH Journey Church Dorchester, MA Amis de la Sagesse Dorchester, MA Ebenezer Dorchester, MA Haitian Dorchester, MA Immanuel Dorchester, MA Second Duxbury, MA Saint Paul's East Charleston, VT East Hartford, CT Fall River, MA Haitian Falmouth, MA (Cape Cod) Fitchburg, MA Fitchburg-Leominster, MA Hispanic Framingham, MA Edgewood Framingham, MA Hispanic Hartford, CT First Hartford, CT Spanish Haverhill, MA Hingham, MA North Street Community Chapel Hooksett, NH Grace Chapel Ipswich, MA Crossroads Community Johnson, VT Lamoille Valley Keene, NH Lakeville, MA Lawrence, MA Iglesia de Nazareno de Lawrence Leicester, VT Lisbon, NH Loudon, NH New Beginnings Lowell, MA Cambodian (CTM) Lowell, MA First Lowell, MA Hispanic Ludlow, MA Faith Community Chapel Lynn, MA Cambodian Lynn, MA First Lynn, MA Iglesia Hermosa del Nazareno Malden, MA First Malden, MA Haitian Manchester, CT Manchester, NH Christ The Way Manchester, NH Community Bible Fellowship Marlborough, MA New Life Fellowship Mattapan, MA New Alliance Haitian Maynard, MA New Hope Fellowship Melrose, MA Miller's Falls, MA Zion Korean Nashua, NH Community Chapel Nashua, NH Hispanic New Bedford, MA First New Bedford, MA International Newport, VT North Haverhill, NH Trinity Pawtucket, RI Ebenezer Pawtucket, RI Embaixadores Pawtucket, RI Emmanuel Pawtucket, RI Filadelfia Plymouth, MA Discovery Preston, CT Providence, RI First Quincy, MA Bethel Quincy, MA Chinese Quincy, MA Wollaston Randolph, MA Haitian Reading, MA Reading, MA Korean Rockville, CT Rumford, RI Bethany Rutland, VT Saint Albans, VT Champlain Valley Saugus-Cliftondale, MA South Weymouth, MA Springfield, MA First Korean Stratford, CT Hispanic Taunton, MA Igreja do Nazareno da Comunidade em Taunton Uxbridge, MA Valley Chapel Wakefield, NH Wakefield, RI Wallingford, CT Wallingford, CT Spanish Waltham, MA Haitian Wareham, MA Emmanuel Waterville, VT West Somerville, MA West Somerville, MA Haitian West Topsham, VT Waits River Valley Willimantic, CT Windham, NH Faith Community Windsor, NH Nazarene Bible Family Fellowship Wolcott, VT Worcester, MA Worcester, MA Hispanic Question Title * 4. Being Recommended for: District Minister's License Renewal of District License Renewal of Deaconess' License Renewal of Director of Christian Education License Other than listed - Commissioned _______________ (Ex; Minister of Music) Question Title * 5. Ministry Role Certification (Manual 503-526) [Review the minimal requirement for ordination (Manual 531.3, 532.3) and also the procedures of formalizing of the relationship, either paid or unpaid. (Manual 160-160.2) This is important for establishing and maintaining the candidate's history of ministry.] CED - Christian Education Minister EDU - Education (must serve on the administrative staff or faculty of one of the educational institutions of the Church of the Nazarene) EVR - Evangelist, Registered GA - General Assignment (Elected of employed to serve the General Church) PAS - Pastor PSV-FT - Pastoral Service Full-Time PSV-PT - Pastoral Service Part-Time SER - Song Evangelist Registered SPC - Special Service/Interdenominational (must be approved by the District Advisory Board and the Board of General Superintendents) STU - Student Unassigned Question Title * 6. If the Ministry Role designation of PSV-FT or PSV-PT is recommended for the coming year, has the written approval of the district superintendent been received (Manual 129.27; 160,1-160.2)? Yes No Requested, awaiting DS Approval Question Title * 7. Date District Superintendent's Approval was granted Date Date Question Title * 8. If approval has not yet been received, date which written approval was sent to the District Superintendent. Date Date Question Title * 9. If a designation other than "STU" or "U" is indicated above, describe the formal relationship that exists with the candidate, as approved by the church board and the district superintendent. Question Title * 10. Please certify that the individual name above has fulfilled all the requirements for this recommendation. We certify. We do certify. Question Title * 11. By vote of Board on this date: Date Date Question Title * 12. Submitted by Chairperson and/or Secretary; (Please note, the typed names are considered an official signature for this document). Pastor/Chairperson Secretary Done