Transportation Wallet: Access for All Sign-up

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Welcome to the Transportation Wallet: Access for All registration form for the Central Eastside Parking District (Zone G & N). This is a Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) program for people and households living on low incomes who live, work, or receive services from qualified partner organizations in designated Parking Districts. The Transportation Wallet is a package of FREE transportation options to help you get where you need to go.
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If you would like assistance to order your Transportation Wallet, please contact 
Meaningful Access: 
The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, modifications, accommodates, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services. To request these services, contact the Portland Bureau of Transportation at 311 (503-823-4000), for Relay Service & TTY: 711.
Public Records Disclosure Clause: 
The information you provide in this form is for signing up for your Transportation Wallet. It will not be used for any other purpose, however the information can be available through a public records request.

This program is only available to people who live, work, or receive services from qualified partner organizations in the Central Eastside Parking District (Zones G & N). If you do not live, work, or receive services from qualified partner organizations in the Central Eastside Parking District, your application will be denied.

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* 1. Address Eligibility

Transportation Wallet: Access for All is only available to Portlanders who live on low incomes.

To qualify, you must receive one of these services:
-TriMet Honored Citizen Card for people with qualifying incomes
-Portland’s Sewer, Stormwater and Financial Assistance Program
-Oregon Health Plan / Medicaid
-SNAP Program / Oregon Trail Card
-Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
-Free & Reduced-Price Lunch
-HUD Housing Choice Voucher
-LIHEAP (Home Energy Assistance)
-Employment Related Daycare
-Women Infants and Children (WIC)
-Oregon Promise
-Pell Grant recipient
-Affordable Housing Resident
-Social Security Disability award letter

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* 2. Income eligibility