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* 1. Which best describes you?

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* 2. Would you or your members use a heated barbell rack?

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* 3. How much do cold barbells affect your or your members' workouts?

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* 4. Have cold barbells ever made you or your members avoid lifting?

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* 5. What features matter most in a heated barbell rack? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. What price range would you expect for a heated barbell storage system? (Assuming the rack holds 10 barbells)

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* 7. If you own a home gym, how likely are you to invest in a heated barbell rack to improve your training?

Not likely - I wouldn't buy one Somewhat likely Very likely - I need this!

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* 8. If you own or manage a gym, how likely are you to purchase a heated barbell storage system to attract and retain members?

Not likely - I don't think it's necessary Somewhat likely Very likely - This would set my gym apart

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* 9. Imagine you're choosing between two gyms. Gym A and Gym B have the same equipment, pricing, and amenities. The only difference? Gym A has a heated barbell storage system (PyroRack™), while Gym B does not.

Which gym are you more likely to choose?

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* 10. Do you have any additional suggestions or feedback about PyroRack™? (Optional – Share any thoughts, features you’d like to see, or concerns you have!)