At King's College we value sport and aim to provide a quality sporting experience at all levels.  There are two distinct arms with sport at King's College, one is participation in sport where we encourage students to participate for the physical and mental health, cultural and social cohesion benefits with the long goal - to remain active in sport over a lifetime.
The other arm is premier sport, which aims to extend from the participation goals to include opportunities for our students to explore their capability in a competitive setting.  Premier sport works to prepare individuals and teams to be competent and ready to compete at the top levels of their sport for their age and developmental stage.
The objectives of the King's College Premier Sports Review (KCPSR) are:
  • to identify current areas of strength;
  • to identify areas for improvement;
  • to identify whether the College has or needs more capacity and capability to meet expectations;
  • to identify the strength and appropriateness of the key stages and patterns of athlete and team development which feeds premier sport; and
  • to understand what optimal relationships, planning, management of students' time, management of resourcing and quality coaching and programming looks like to ensure premier sport at King's College is sustained and the experience is safe, exciting, challenging and fun.

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* 1. Please indicate which of the following you belong to (there may be more than one).

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* 2. Please indicate the Premier Sports team you have been involved in (note there may be more than one).

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* 3. What has been your best memory of King's College Premier Sport (KCPS)?

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* 4. What does KCPS mean to you?

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* 5. What has been your best personal achievement in KCPS?

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* 6. What space in KCPS is your richest learning environment?

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* 7. Where is the fun for you in KCPS?

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* 8. In thinking about the training environment and programme planning of your team - what is KCPS currently doing well?

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* 9. In thinking about the training environment and programme planning of your team - what should KCPS challenge or change?

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* 10. In thinking about the training environment and programme planning of your team - what should be prioritised as areas to improve or grow?

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* 11. In thinking about the team culture, team standards and coaching - what is KCPS currently doing well?

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* 12. In thinking about the team culture, team standards and coaching - what should KCPS challenge or change?

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* 13. In thinking about the team culture, team standards and coaching - what should be prioritised as areas to improve or grow?

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* 14. In thinking about the life balance of student athletes - what is KCPS currently doing well?

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* 15. In thinking about the life balance of student athletes - what should KCPS challenge or change?

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* 16. In thinking about the life balance of student athletes - what should be prioritised as areas to improve or grow?

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* 17. In thinking about the competition experience, be it weekly competitions and/or national and international tournaments - what is KCPS currently doing well?

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* 18. In thinking about the competition experience, be it weekly competitions and/or national and international tournaments - what should KCPS challenge or change?

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* 19. In thinking about the competition experience, be it weekly competitions and/or national and international tournaments - what should be prioritised as areas to improve or grow?

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* 20. Can you indicate if you would like to share further thinking and insights in the following way:

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* 21. If you  would like to participate in either a one on one interview or a focus group meeting, please state your name, email and contact number below.