We want to hear from you! Help us shape the future of our community parks and recreation programs. Your feedback is valuable in making sure we provide the best services and amenities for everyone. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.

Question Title

* 1. How often do you visit local parks or community center?

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* 2. What programs do you and your family currently participate in?

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* 3. Which types of recreational programs are you most interested in? Select all that apply

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* 4. What park amenities do you think are most important? Select all that apply

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* 5. How satisfiedare you with the current condition of the parks?

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* 6. Do you feel the current parks and recreation facilities/park amenities meet the needs of the community?

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* 7. What age groups should be the focus of new programs and amenities? Select all that apply

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* 8. How important are the following park features to you?

  Very Important Important Somewhat Important Not Important
Safe and Clean Restrooms
Parking Availability
Shade and Seating Areas
Accessibility for Individuals with Disabilities
Well Maintained Playgrounds
Picnic Areas/Shelter Space
Safety and Security
Natural Spaces and Wildlife Habitats
Lighting for Evening Use

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* 9. What time of day would you most likely participate in programs or visit parks? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. How do you usually hear about Parks and Recreation events or programs? (Select all that apply)