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* 1. How old are you?

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* 2. What suburb do you live in?

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* 4. Why did you originally choose to join Venetians?

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* 5. Why do you play netball?

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* 6. In your opinion, what are the core values of the club? (i.e. Diversity & Inclusion, Fun, Competition, Sportsmanship, etc.)

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* 7. What do you want the core values of the club to be?

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* 8. Based on your experience as a player, what does the club do really well?

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* 9. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? (1 - Strongly Disagree, 5 - Strongly Agree)

  1 - Strongly disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Indifferent 4- Agree 5- Strongly Agree
Communication by the club is clear and consistent (i.e. Newsletters, Social Media, etc.)
Club fees are reasonably priced
Registration is easy
Grading and team selection is fair and well-organised
Our coaches are knowledgeable and engaging
The club provides opportunities to advance as a player
Our equipment is up-to-date and in good working order
The club provides umpires of a good standard
The club provides opportunities for involvement in the Netball WA pathway
The club holds social activities & events that I want to attend
The club provides opportunities to advance as a coach
The club provides opportunities to advance as an umpire
The club provides opportunities to get involved outside of playing (i.e. coaching, managing, umpiring, committee, etc.)
The club provides a welcoming environment
Our website looks good and is easy to navigate

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* 10. What makes you feel connected to the club? (i.e. Training with your team, wearing your Venetians gear, following us on social media, etc.)

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* 11. What could the club do differently to improve your experience as a player?

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* 12. Are you aware of the Netball WA player pathway?

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* 13. If applicable, please indicate which pathway programs you're interested in trialling for:

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* 14. If applicable, what can the club do to support your journey through the pathway?

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* 15. What type of social events would you like to attend? (Tick all boxes that apply)

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* 16. Would you be willing to help organise an event?

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* 17. From your perspective, what does it mean to be a successful club? (i.e. Providing a welcoming & inclusive environment, winning premierships, continued growth, supporting players & coaches through the development pathways, being competitive in division one, etc.)

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* 18. How likely are you to return in 2021?

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* 19. Would you ever consider coaching a team?

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* 20. Do you currently volunteer for the club?

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