The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH) is seeking Board of Director Nominations to serve from September 2019 -  to September 2023.  

Ideal candidates are Global and Regional Health Thought Leaders who have the knowledge, capacity, and relationships to advance TUFH’s mission to foster equitable community-oriented health services, education, and research with the goal of improving health locally and globally. Ideal Board Members will assist The Network: TUFH by helping to create a well-coordinated collective repository of innovations, best practices, and research that educates, builds capacity and informs systems and policy coalitions and leaders leading to improved regional and global health policies.  Specifically, ideal candidates will help advance the work of TUFH through recruitment of institutional memberships, introductions to regional or global policy institutions, and/or building partnerships with global health corporations committed to Universal Access and Equitable Health Care.

The following Board of Director seats are open for nominations:

North America Regional Representative 
Eastern Mediterranean Regional Representative
Europe Regional Representative 
1-2 At-Large Board Members 

Board Member Responsibilities
1) Attend Board and Committee Meetings to fulfill organizational governance and fiduciary responsibilities.  
2) Serve on at least one Board/Ad Hoc committee and/or take on special assignments.
3) Regional Board Members host, supported by TUFH staff, 2 virtual regional meetings for regional members.
4) Actively participate in the TUFH online community.
5) Maintain Network: TUFH Membership
6) Serve as an ambassador and inform others about the organization and its activities, particularly during presentations at other conferences, seminars, etc.
7) Seek opportunities for partnerships/grants/recruitment of new organizational members.
The Board meets every other month (January, March, May, July, September, and November) unless otherwise required.  The September meeting is an all-day strategic meeting that occurs during the annual conference; all Board members are asked to attend. To assist in the cost of attending, Board members receive a discount on registration fees.

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* 1. What is your contact information?

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* 2. Are you a current TUFH active member?

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* 3. For which Board Position are you submitting your nomination?

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* 4. Who are you Nominating?

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* 5. In less than 250 words, please describe why you believe they would be a good member?