Encuesta en español
Project Mover is a program to bring affordable and clean micro-mobility to Rivertown communities in Westchester County. The program launched in Ossining on August 26th, 2024, and is sponsored by the New York State Research and Development Agency (NYSERDA) under the New York Clean Transportation Prizes program. The Village of Ossining has served as the pilot community for the program, and the Village of Tarrytown was selected as one of five incubator communities. This means that the Village of Tarrytown benefits from learning from the Village of Ossining roll-out, and must decide whether to move forward with implementing a similar program in Tarrytown.

The program in the Village of Tarrytown, as it stands currently, would consist of two elements: an Electric Bikeshare (E-Bike) rental program for short point-to-point journeys, and an E-Bike Ownership Pathway Program that would provide subsidized bikes for applicants meeting income eligibility criteria.
Thanks to the grant funding from NYSERDA, if the the Village of Tarrytown decides to commit to moving forward with the program, the support of professional transportation planning consultants for program design as well as the equipment and infrastructure required for the establishment of the rental program and the Pathway to Ownership program will be fully funded by NYSERDA.

A few other elements to understand about the program if it is rolled out in Tarrytown:
  • The program is designed to be self-sustaining through sponsorships after the grant program ends.
  • The bikeshare program is a station-based program which means you return the e-bike to designated stations in the Village.
  • All e-bikes in the Project Mover program will use UL-certified batteries.
  • The bikeshare program would be headquartered in Ossining, and the batteries would be charged at the warehouse facility in Ossining.
  • The Pathway to Ownership program would subsidize e-bikes for income eligible participants. The program is still in development and local vendors for the e-bikes are still being identified, but an income-eligible applicant could qualify for a for a substantial incentive to lower the purchase price of an e-bike.
  • The other incubator communities participating in this program are the Village of Sleepy Hollow, Dobbs Ferry, Croton-on-Hudson and the Town of Ossining.
This helpful video produced by the Ossining Police Department provides a good 12-minute summary of the program as it has rolled out in Ossining: Ossining Project Mover Video Introduction
This FAQ about the program can help answer some questions you may have that the video does not cover: FAQ Project Mover

There will be a public workshop at the Warner Library on October 23rd at 7pm to answer questions and solicit public input.

Go/No-Go Commitment
In order to decide whether to move forward with the grant-funded program, the Village is soliciting public input.
The Board of Trustees will need to vote on whether to issue a Letter of Commitment to move ahead with this program at their November 4, 2024 meeting. Please complete the survey and submit all comments prior to Wednesday, October 30, 2024.

You may do so by completing this survey or by contacting the Village Administrator's office: and (914) 631-1785.

Question Title

GHG Emissions by Sector using 2019 data

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* 1. How do you typically get around the Village?

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* 2. An e-bike is a bike that uses an electric motor to assist the rider with pedaling based on the rider's needs (e.g. biking up hill). For the Project MOVER program, the e-bikes are activated to assist with pedaling, and not to replace pedaling entirely. There are other models of e-bikes that function more like mopeds with a throttle-assist and they will not be part of the e-bikeshare program.

Have you ever used an e-bike?

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* 3. A bikeshare program offers access to shared bikes including e-bikes from various locations throughout the community at low cost.

Have you ever used a bikeshare service?

Question Title

* 4. If it were made available to you, how likely would you be to borrow and use an e-bike from a public bikeshare to get to the places you need to go?

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* 5. Why would you not be likely to borrow and use an e-bike from a public bikeshare? (check all that apply)

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* 6. Why would you not feel safe riding an e-bike in your community?

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* 7. If offered by the Village for free, would you be likely to participate in bike handling orientation or skills training?

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* 8. What would encourage you to use the e-bikeshare system? Check all that apply.

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* 9. Go/No-Go Decision
Do you support the concept of implementing an E-bikeshare program in the Village of Tarrytown?

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* 10. Why or Why Not? Please tell us more.

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* 11. Docking Station Locations

The Project Mover consultants have identified locations in the Village that would be well-suited for e-bikeshare docking stations based on a number of factors including 1)population and amenity density 2)perceived safety of roadways for cyclist use 3) geographic feasibility. The consultants are looking for community feedback on feasibility of the sites and as well as key locations that may not have been identified.

The Draft Siting Recommendations can be found in this document also posted on the Village website.

Docking Location Map

Below are the Draft Docking Station Locations. Please rank the stations in order of priority. Which are you most likely to use? Which would be of most value to the program? Which would be of least value? Please use the next comment box to describe any concerns or additional issues that need to be considered about the locations.

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* 12. Please indicate any issues about the above possible docking station locations that should be considered in planning this program.

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* 13. Greenway Network
The Project Mover Consultants have put together a map of potential "Greenways." Neighborhood greenways are roads designated and designed to support safer bicycle travel. They use signage, pavement markings, and other traffic calming measures to slow vehicle speeds, encourage people driving to expect people on bicycles, and reduce conflicts. The idea is for the Village to work with the repaving schedule and capital improvement program to install these features over time.

The draft network is derived from an analysis the Project MOVER team performed to help identify roads that are lower-stress options for new riders and experienced riders alike. These roads A) fall under certain speed limit (25 mph and below), B) have lower traffic volumes (3000 vehicles per day and below), and C) connect to local points of interest. The initial analysis result was then refined with the goal of creating a logical, connected, and safe network of Neighborhood Greenways.

If the Village moves forward with the E-bikeshare implementation, we need feedback on these recommended Greenways. Please respond to the survey link above to give comments on the recommendations, add any additional recommended routes, or concerns that we should take into account as we consider these routes. Feedback from residents who know the on-the-ground reality is vital to this effort.

Greenway Map

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* 14. Please add any additional comments, questions or concerns you have about the Project Mover Program.

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* 15. I would like to receive additional communications about the Project Mover program in the future. (If yes, please be sure to include your contact information below.)

Question Title

* 16. Contact Information (Optional)


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