CBJ Safe Streets for All Public Survey

Survey Overview & Purpose

Welcome to the City and Borough of Juneau’s Safe Streets for All (CBJ SS4A) Public Survey!

The CBJ needs your help understanding how you use the transportation network and how safe or unsafe you feel while walking, rolling, biking, using transit, and/or driving.

Use this survey to:

  • Share how you use the transportation network, how safe you feel, and the safety issues and concerns most important to you.
  • Help CBJ prioritize policies, practices, and projects to improve safety across the transportation network.
  • Share your experience walking, rolling, transiting, and/or driving around Juneau.

The survey is open through DATE.
1.What neighborhood do you live in?
2.What is your age?
3.Which of the following best describes you?
4.Which method of travel do you use most frequently? (Pick one.)
5.Do you use a personal or work vehicle as part of your job? If yes, what type of vehicle do you use? Choose all that apply.
6.Do you or someone in your household have a disability or mobility challenge that makes it more difficult to get around the CBJ?
7.How safe do you feel while traveling through Juneau in the following ways? (If you do not use one of the following modes, please select “N/A”)
Very Safe
Somewhat Safe
Somewhat Unsafe
Very Unsafe
Biking or E-Biking
Car or truck
Carpool or Rideshare Services
School bus/van
Capital Transit Fixed-Route Bus
Capital AKcess Paratransit Van
Mobility assistance equipment (wheelchair, walker, scooter)
8.Please prioritize your traffic safety concerns in the CBJ:
Very high priority
High priority
Medium priority
Low priority
Not a concern
Distracted drivers
Signs or road paint are missing
Lack of sidewalks/safe crossings
Inadequate bike infrastructure
Drivers run red lights/stop signs
Drivers speed or drive aggressively
Deteriorating road conditions like potholes and rutting in roads
Bad visibility at intersections
Disconnected pedestrian/bike facilities
Lack of lighting on paths/bus stops
Ice or snow on roads or paths
Wet roads or paths
Landslides, flooding, or other natural disaster event
9.How should CBJ address transportation safety concerns in future projects? (Check all that apply.)
10.How should CBJ prioritize criteria when selecting safety projects for implementation?
Very high priority
High priority
Medium priority
Low priority
Not a concern
Crash Hotspots – Focus on areas with frequent crashes
Systemic Approach – Focus on areas with the highest risk of severe crashes, regardless of crash experience
Pedestrian and Bike Safety – Improve safety for walkers and bikers
Equity – Ensure projects benefit all community members
Cost-Effectiveness – Get the most safety improvements for the money
Safer Connections – Make it safer to reach schools, transit, and jobs
11.Do you have a personal experience such as a collision or recurring safety issue (e.g. difficult pedestrian crossing, low-visibility intersections) that you’d like to share?
Thank you for contributing your knowledge and experience to the SS4A Plan! Your responses will help inform future transportation safety actions and infrastructure in the CBJ.

If you would like to learn more about the CBJ SS4A plan and more ways to be involved, please visit:

SS4A Project Website