Application Checklist

Please READ prior to completing this application. If you need assistance, call 806-742-2891
1. Submit your CSAR APPLICATION by the appropriate deadlines:
      [Fall Admission-February 15th/Spring Admission-October 31st]
  • Obtain three letters of recommendation from individuals. Instructions at the end of the application.
  • Email a personal photo taken within the past three months to
2.  Submit your TTU APPLICATION by the deadline set by TTU for the semester you are applying to.
  • Undergraduate Application: Here
  • To submit a copy of GED/High School Diploma:  Here
  • Graduate Application: Here
For Transfer Students:
  • Send all previous college transcripts to TTU undergraduate admissions: Here
For Financial Aid Assistance it is strongly suggested that you fill out the FAFSA application for financial aid here

Question Title

* 1. Date:


Question Title

* 2. I am applying for:

Question Title

* 3. Applicant Name:

Question Title

* 4. Sex:

Question Title

* 5. Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY):

Question Title

* 6. Age:

Question Title

* 7. Current Mailing Address:

Question Title

* 8. Phone Number:

Question Title

* 10. T Shirt Size:

Question Title

* 11. Married/Committed Partnership:

Question Title

* 12. How did you hear about the CSAR? Please be specific (counselor/presentation/website/treatment center/etc.):

Question Title

* 13. Parent/Family/Emergency Contact:

Recovery Information 

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* 14. What are you in recovery from/for?

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* 15. List your recovery dates for each of the abovementioned.  If you do not identify a specific date for a behavioral addiction (i.e. eating disorder), please list a month/year for when recovery journey began:

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* 16. Will you be an undergraduate or graduate student in the semester you are applying to the CSAR for?

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* 17. Texas Resident: (for tuition purposes):

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* 18. US Citizen:

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* 19. Do you plan to live on or off campus?

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* 20. Your planned major at Texas Tech University (if known):

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* 21. Have you ever enrolled at Texas Tech University before?

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* 22. TTU Cumulative GPA:

Question Title

* 23. Semester last attended TTU:

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* 24. Other colleges or universities attended: 
For each college or university, please add GPA, hours earned and dates attended

Example: SPC, 1.7 GPA, 12 hours earned, June 2020-May 2021

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* 25. Most scholarships will not cover all of your tuition. How will you provide for the remainder of your financial needs (housing, books, living expenses, etc.)? Explain fully, including any parental support, if any. (Max 650 words)

The Scholarship Committee uses the following section to get a clearer picture of your recovery. Please answer these questions with enough detail to tell us your story.

Question Title

What does recovery mean to you? Tell us how you are living out your recovery today? Share with us who holds you accountable (sponsor, minister, etc.)? How often are you in communication with this person(s)? Describe this relationship and how these interactions keep you accountable. (Minimum 175 words)

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How are you connected to your current recovery community (Home group, treatment center alumni, church, fellowship, etc.)? Include how you are of service to this community. (Minimum 175 words)

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We believe relationships are foundational in communities. How do you incorporate respect and gratitude in your daily life? How do your relationships help build and maintain a safe community? (Minimum 175 words)

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How do you see recovery enhancing your academic pursuits?(Minimum 175 words)

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This is the most important section of this application
. Tell us your story as if you were being asked to speak at a meeting. Be specific and use this space to tell us who you are and how you got here. (Minimum 500 words)

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* 31. Submitting Letters of Recommendation and Current Photo: 
List three individuals from whom you have requested letters of recommendation, who can attest to both your leadership ability and your success in recovery (ie teacher/employer, sponsor, clinician). More than one letter from the same organization may require an additional letter of recommendation. You will need to provide each individual a letter of recommendation form that is located below. 

It is the applicant’s responsibility to gather all recommendation documents from their references. If we do not receive all three letters or recommendation forms, your application is not complete and will not be evaluated. Please submit three recommendations using either the recommendation form or a letter of recommendation.

Please enter the email addresses for each of the people who are writing your letters:

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* 32. Please submit your letters, forms, and personal photo in ONE of the following ways:

Email to:
Mail them to:
                   Center for Students in Addiction Recovery (CSAR)
                   Attn: Scholarship Committee
                   Box 41160
                   Lubbock, TX 79409
Deliver them to:
                  Center for Students in Addiction Recovery (CSAR)
                   Attn: Scholarship Committee
                   1309 Akron Ave
                   Lubbock, TX 79409

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* 33. Please right click on the picture below. Choose the 'Save as' option. After saving the picture, you can email it, or print it and take it to the people you are requesting recommendations from. Form Letter

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* 34. Please upload your current photo.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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