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* 1. Reflecting on year 2022, did ICGC have any impact on your life?

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* 2. Under our strategic focus area Worship, we provide the following services. Which of these services has impacted you in 2022?

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* 3. Please share how this or these program (s) you selected impacted you in 2022.

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* 4. Under Learning, we offered the following services. Please selected the service(s) that made an impact on you in 2022.

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* 5. Please let us know how the service or services you selected impacted you in 2022.

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* 6. For Youth, please select the program that made an impact on you in 2022.

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* 7. Please share how this or these program(s) impacted you in 2022.

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* 8. Please select a service/program or services/programs under our Social Services focus area that impacted you in 2022.

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* 9. Please let us know how this service/program or these services/programs you have selected impact you in 2022.

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* 10. Our Outreach focus area includes the following. Please select the programs that made an impact on you in 2022.

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* 11. Please share how the program(s) you selected made an impact on you in 2022