Stamford Ferry Project

Stamford Ferry Project 

The City of Stamford is exploring the opportunity of providing a passenger ferry.  We are interested in your opinion and feedback.  Please complete the following brief survey by August 25, 2022.  Thank you for your participation. 
1.What is your means of transportation when going to work?(Required.)
2.How far is your commute to your place of work?(Required.)
3.I currently use public transportation(Required.)
4.Please rate your satisfaction with the following:(Required.)
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree 
It is easier to travel by car than use the current options for public transportation
More options for public transportation are needed in Stamford
I would save money by using public transportation
Current public transportation options (bus/train) are overcrowded
A ferry system in Stamford would be a benefit
5.If ferry transportation was available, I would use it in the following way(s):(Required.)
6.I would use a ferry in Stamford:(Required.)
7.When I think about transportation:(Required.)
Almost Never 
Almost Always 
I am concerned about the rising costs of fuel
I am looking for the quickest way to get to and from work
I am concerned about greenhouse gas emissions
I want my commute time to be low stress 
8.Please share any additional thoughts you have regarding transportation, traffic, or the possibility of a ferry terminal in Stamford:(Required.)