Dear respondent,

The European Union and the United States currently negotiate the details of the trade agreement called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), with the aim to support the economy on both sides through facilitation of trade in goods and services. The Association for International Affairs conducts this survey in order to find out more about your business conducted in the United States and the trade barriers you may face in the American market. By responding to this questionnaire you will provide us with valuable information that is necessary to develop the Czech position on the TTIP. Moreover your valuable imputs may have direct influence on the content of the TTIP which could thus better reflect your interests and facilitate your business in the United States. You will need no more than 8 minutes to fill this questionaire. Your responses will be processed anonymously and will feed into a study which shall be available to you after completion of the research.

Thank you for the time spent on answering this questionnaire!

The team of the Research Centre of Association for International Affairs