OVS TTARP Submission Form Overview OVS TTARP is designed to build healthy organizations and improve the skills and abilities of staff at OVS-funded Victim Assistance Programs (VAPs) across New York State through a variety of training and technical assistance opportunities. OVS is pleased to partner with the Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG) for all training and technical assistance requests beginning on October 31, 2022.To submit a formal request to OVS, please read through the program description and Catalog of Services and complete the following questions.Please note, only OVS-funded program directors or executive directors are authorized to submit a TTARP request. All unauthorized requests will be denied. In addition, all training and technical assistance request approvals are contingent upon the availability of state and federal funding.Click here to view a preview of the questions on this form. For more information, visit ovs.ny.gov/ttarp. Next