RVAgreen 2050 is the City of Richmond’s equity-centered climate action and resilience planning initiative, spearheaded by the Office of Sustainability. Learn more at rvagreen2050.com or email us at rvagreen@rva.gov with any questions.

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* What is your 5-digit ZIP code?

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* What is your race/ethnicity? Please select all that apply.

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* How much do you agree with the following statement:
The actions of individuals can make a positive difference in climate change.

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* How would you be willing to participate in helping the city and/or a community organization address climate change? Please select all that apply.

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* How familiar are you with the following terms and concepts that are being used in the RVAgreen 2050 initiative?

  I have never heard of this. I have heard this term, but don't know what it means. I am somewhat familiar. I am very familiar.  I am an expert in this. 
Public-private partnerships
Targeted universalism
Marginalized community
Digital divide
Human-centered design