Question Title

* 1. How old are you

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* 2. Where do you live

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* 3. Do you plan to attend the Multi-Cultural Festival in 2026?

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* 4. Did you attend the Multi-Cultural Festival in 2024?

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* 5. Do you prefer traditional or contemporary cultural events?

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following factors will influence your decision to attend the Multi-Cultural Festival (check all that apply)?

Question Title

* 7. How do you stay informed about the Multi-Cultural Festival or Councils events?

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* 9. Do you think the Multi-Cultural Festival helped in promoting cultural diversity and understanding of different cultures?

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* 10. Have you ever participated as a performer/artist at the Multi-Cultural Festival?

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* 11. Do you feel that the Multi-Cultural Festival represented your own cultural background?

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* 12. Would you like to see Council host more cultural events in the community?

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* 13. Which of the following would improve your overall experience at the Multi-Cultural Festival? (check all that apply)

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* 14. Have you ever volunteered, or contributed to the Multi-Cultural Festival?

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* 15. Name/Phone/Email

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* 16. Do you think other organisations or individuals should work with Council to deliver the Multi-cultural Festival?

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* 17. As Council is the main host of the Multi-Cultural Festival, in your opinion please tell us what can be done to improve what we currently do in terms of organising and delivering the event?

Eso for giving us your feedback.