Getting to know your needs
where are you in your business journey?
Just starting out
Have launched/released something (like a course, book, group etc)
Have been at it for a while and growing
What’s your biggest roadblock with getting from where you are to where you want to be?
I don't have a product or service yet
I don't know how to attract ideal clients or what my branding should be
The tech terrifies and/or baffles me
I don't know how to sell without it feeling sleazy/pushy
I don't know which idea to choose
I'm isolated and don't have anyone to work on these things with
What's your main job title
Psychologist, counsellor, social worker
Midwife, OB, nurse, doula
Yoga, Pilates teacher
Other healthcare
I'm a coach or consultant (e.g., baby sleep programs, matresence or parent coaching or similar)
Chinese Medicine Practitioner and/or Naturopath
I have worked in health, but I don't currently work in healthcare (e.g., I've left the industry or am on leave etc)
Something else
(if you're in Australia) you rely on Medicare rebates for income?
Yes, for most or all of my income
Yes, for some of my income
No, I'm not eligible for Medicare rebates
I choose not to offer Medicare rebates
I'm not in Australia