Getting to know your needs Question Title * 1. where are you in your business journey? Just starting out Have launched/released something (like a course, book, group etc) Have been at it for a while and growing Question Title * 2. What’s your biggest roadblock with getting from where you are to where you want to be? I don't have a product or service yet I don't know how to attract ideal clients or what my branding should be The tech terrifies and/or baffles me I don't know how to sell without it feeling sleazy/pushy I don't know which idea to choose I'm isolated and don't have anyone to work on these things with Question Title * 3. What's your main job title Psychologist, counsellor, social worker Midwife, OB, nurse, doula OT Physio Yoga, Pilates teacher Other healthcare I'm a coach or consultant (e.g., baby sleep programs, matresence or parent coaching or similar) Chinese Medicine Practitioner and/or Naturopath I have worked in health, but I don't currently work in healthcare (e.g., I've left the industry or am on leave etc) Something else Question Title * 4. (if you're in Australia) you rely on Medicare rebates for income? Yes, for most or all of my income Yes, for some of my income No, I'm not eligible for Medicare rebates I choose not to offer Medicare rebates I'm not in Australia Done