57203403 Wimmera Mallee B2-D5-S04 Fear and Problem Solving Problem Solving OK Question Title * 1. What are the 4 steps to problem solving? OK Question Title * 2. ScenarioIt’s not my fault. It takes me 35 minutes to get to work, so I leave just in time. If I hit a traffic jam, or have to stop for petrol, or the traffic runs just a bit slower I’m late. My boss is hitting the roof and has put me on warning. I’m trying to leave earlier, but I don’t think I care anymore. My boss has got an anger problem or something.Name the issue:Who is involved?Think about all the different possibilities for solutions. List as many as you can, including silly ones. OK Question Title * 3. List all the advantages and disadvantages of each possible solution OK Question Title * 4. Decide which is the best decision so far.What will the outcome be? OK Question Title * 5. What do you think is a problem for you at the moment OK Question Title * 6. Who is involved OK Question Title * 7. List all possible solutions you can think of OK Question Title * 8. List all of the advantages and disadvantages of each solution OK Question Title * 9. Decide which is the best decision OK Question Title * 10. Who will be affected by this decision? OK Question Title * 11. Are the people (the people most involved) part of the solution? OK Question Title * 12. What are the possible outcomes from using this solution? OK Question Title * 13. Student Details Name * Email Address Phone Number OK DONE