1. Which Insects Do You Work With?

As you may know, the vast majority of insect genetic and genomic tools and resources are currently confined to the Holometabola (e.g. flies, mosquitoes, beetles, moths, ants & bees).

We would like to facilitate the functional genetic study of the biology of hemimetabolous insects, both by developing new laboratory species and techniques, and by enhancing or optimizing existing ones.

To make the results of our work as broadly useful as possible, we're interested in knowing which insects you currently work with, if you would like to work on other insects in the future, and if technical barriers exist that make working with certain insects less appealing to you.

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* 1. Which order(s) of insects do you currently work with in your lab?

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* 2. Which order(s) of insects might you like to add to your lab studies in the future?