Thank you for attending today's Trauma Rounds ECHO session.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose the date of the Trauma Rounds you attended:


Question Title

* 2. What is your professional licensure?

Question Title

* 3. Please select the number that best expresses your reaction to the items below. Select 5 for the highest or best or most and 1 for the lowest, least or worst.

  1 2 3 4 5
The expertise of the presenter
The appropriateness of teaching strategies
How would you rate the extent to which the learning objectives were met?
Please rate the quality of learning materials (e.g. case studies, problem-based activities)
How would you rate this activity in meeting your learning objectives?
Looking back, how would you rate your knowledge of the subject before training?
Now that you have attended this learning activity, how would you rate your knowledge
of the subject?
How likely is it that you will change your practice behavior as a result of this activity?

Question Title

* 4. List two things that you will incorporate into your professional/clinical work as a result of this training?

Question Title

* 5. List any barriers that might prevent change in your professional/clinical work:

Question Title

* 6. Do you feel that this presentation conveyed any commercial bias?

Question Title

* 7. Additional training related to this topic or other topics you would like to see offered.

Thank you for joining us for today's session.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

The Indian Country ECHO Team