The SGNA Empowering Diversity in the GI Profession Scholarship is intended to increase diversity and inclusion within the GI profession by financially supporting SGNA members from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, gender identities, sexual orientations and/or those who have been impacted by disability.

The scholarship program is designed to support nurses or associates working in gastroenterology who wish to continue their education as follows:

1. For those pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, such as an Associate’s Degree, BSN, MSN, or PhD, from an accredited college or university, funds of $10,000 for a full-time student or $5,000 to a part-time student (taking a minimum of three credit hours per semester) will be presented to recipients.

2. For GI professionals pursuing a certification, certificate or non-university/collegiate educational program related to the GI profession, such as the CGRN, CFER and/or AGTS, funds of up to $2,500 will be awarded to support pursuit of that program.

Scholarships will be awarded each spring to members who meet the criteria. Funds can be used to cover tuition or registration costs, study materials, textbooks or other expenses related to education. Scholarship funds will be sent to successful applications by check.

You may be eligible for an Empowering Diversity in the GI Profession Scholarship if:
1. You are a current SGNA member.
2. You are from an underrepresented group.
3. For degree seekers: You have completed at least one semester in an accredited university or college degree program with an earned GPA of at least 3.0 (by the time the application is submitted), or you have been accepted to that program to begin in the following term or semester.
4. For those pursuing other forms of education or certification: You have registered for and can provide verification of your forthcoming participation in the exam or educational course.
5. You consent to SGNA publishing name and title, if selected for the award, in our promotional materials.

You are ineligible if:
1. You have previously received the Empowering Diversity in the GI Profession Scholarship from SGNA.
2. You are a member of the SGNA Board of Directors.

The SGNA Empowering GI Professional Diversity Scholarship is supported by Boston Scientific Corporation.

Question Title

* 1. Please complete the following.

Question Title

* 2. In 300-500 words, briefly explain your career goals and how you plan to use this scholarship to achieve them.

Question Title

* 3. In 300-500 words, (a) Briefly explain what diversity, equity and inclusion means to you and how it personally affects your life, and, if applicable (b) briefly explain your need for this scholarship.

Question Title

* 4. Attach official transcript or Acceptance letter (Degree seekers) or Registration Confirmation (Other Education)

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