Ready Set Love® Research Survey

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1. Please indicate the degree of happiness, all things considered, of your relationship.

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2. In general, how often do you think things between you and your partner are going well?

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3. Our relationship is strong

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4. My relationship with my partner makes me happy

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5. I have a warm and comfortable relationship with my partner

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6. I really feel like part of a team with my partner

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7. How rewarding is your relationship with your partner?

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8. How well does your partner meet your needs?

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9. To what extent has your relationship met your original expectations?

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10. In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship?

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11. Select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your response on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.

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12. Select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your response on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.

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13. Select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your response on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.

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14. Select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your response on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.

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15. Select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your response on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.

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16. Select the answer that best describes how you feel about your relationship. Base your response on your first impressions and immediate feelings about the item.