PotatoLink 'Mid-Term' Survey

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1.Which group best describes your role?(Required.)
2.Industry Segment(Required.)
3.Which State or Territory do you mainly work within?(Required.)
4.Select the approximate potato tonnage that you work with annually(Required.)
5.How have you been involved in the PotatoLink project?(Required.)
6.Have you gained knowledge on any new or improved practices from PotatoLink over the last 2 years?(Required.)
7.Are you undertaking, or planning to undertake activities aimed at improving potato production on your farm/ or in the advice you provide?(Required.)
8.How useful have you found the support and information provided through PotatoLink?(Required.)
9.What have been the productivity, profitability or sustainability benefits for you being involved in PotatoLink? Please describe.(Required.)
10.What are the top three (3) topics you would like PotatoLink to cover in the coming years?(Required.)
11.What type of events or material are most useful to you or your business?
12.Do you have any further comments?