Thanks for taking the time to answer questions about the issue of herbicide use in public places.

We’ve heard from a few locals who have had concerns about the use of toxic weed killers (herbicides) in the city’s urban spaces. We are interested as to if anyone else has concerns about this. We’re hearing worries about herbicide use in city spaces like parks, school grounds, sports fields, streams, drains, riverbanks, and our playgrounds.

The health risks to people and nature are front of mind for many. Questions about links to cancer have come up several times, given recent court rulings against Bayer and Monsanto on their glyphosate-based products such as RoundUp™.

Please help us sense the community vibe on this issue by completing this quick survey. We need to know your views and what you’d like to see done about this issue to help shape a community-led response.

Please also feel free to share this survey with any Palmy-based friends and whanau so they can contribute as well.

Question Title

* 1. Are you aware that weedkillers are sprayed around playgrounds, sports fields, parks and other high use spaces on a regular basis?

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* 2. I’m concerned about the following potential human health and environmental impacts of weed killers being used in public places in Palmerston North (1 = not concerned / 5 = highly concerned)

  1 2 3 4 5
Risk of cancer
Impacts on young children
Impacts on pregnancy and birth outcomes
Impacts on nervous system
Impacts on hormones
Effects on freshwater systems
Effects on bees and other insects
Effects on soil health
Effects on animals including pets

Question Title

* 3. I'm concerned about herbicide use in these public places in Palmerston North. (1 = not concerned / 5 = highly concerned)

  1 2 3 4 5
School grounds
Parks and reserves
Sports grounds
Urban streams
Manawatū River
Streets, footpaths and berms

Question Title

* 4. I feel like there’s enough public information available about which weed killers are being used in which public places in Palmerston North

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* 5. What next steps would you like to see happen to curb weedkiller use in Palmerston North's Public places? (tick all that apply)

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* 6. How might you like to be involved as this goes forward here in Palmerston North? (tick one)

Question Title

* 7. Personal details (these are all optional)

Question Title

* 9. Phone