
In 2018 the city received its first requests from citizens about public art, which led to Mansfield’s first ever cultural arts master plan in 2021.

Mansfield’s Cultural Arts Master Plan as well as a public art funding and administration ordinance was adopted by city council on November 13, 2023.

One of the 4 primary goals outlined in the Cultural Arts Master Plan is to establish the Mansfield public art program. Adopting the public art policies and ordinance accomplished 2 of the 8 strategies to achieve this goal and laid an administrative foundation for the program. In taking this survey, you can help fulfill another 3 strategies regarding installation of artwork around Mansfield and be a part of building a vibrant public art program.
As the City of Mansfield looks toward its first significant public art calls and installations, it is gathering public input regarding the purpose and location of artwork within Mansfield.

Public Art: is an element of a public space that is designed by a professional artist or artist team. It includes sculpture, statues, or monuments in any material or combination of materials; painting; murals; graphic arts including printmaking and drawing; photography; crafts in clay, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics, glass, and other materials; mixed-media, any combination of forms of media, including collage; functional art such as street furniture; environmental art consisting of landforms and artistic landscape composition. Public Art can be permanent or temporary.

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* 1. What should art in Mansfield aim to do?
(Please rank your answers from top to bottom. 1 = favorite, 2 = second best, 3 = third place, etc.)

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* 2. Where would you like to see art in Mansfield?
(Please rank your answers from top to bottom. 1 = favorite, 2 = second best, 3 = third place, etc.)

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* 3. I would most like to enjoy art by:
(Please rank your answers from top to bottom. 1 = favorite, 2 = second best, 3 = third place, etc.)

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* 4. Would you most like to see permanent or temporary artwork?

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* 5. Are you most interested in large-scale or small-scale artwork?

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* 6. Select the picture(s) of art you like:

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* 7. Tell us about public art in other places that you have connected with.

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* 8. Other comments?

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* 9. Do you consider yourself an artist?

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* 10. What is your zipcode?

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* 11. Do you live, work in or visit Mansfield?

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* 12. Level of Education

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* 13. Age

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* 14. I indentify as:

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* 15. What is your ethnicity?

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* 16. What is your race?