If you have more than one child in the Martin County School District, then we request you complete a survey for each child.  You will be provided a link at the end of this survey.  Thank you for your feedback.

Question Title

* 1. My child attends:

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* 2. I understand the academic expectations for my child.

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* 3. I receive timely information from the school to help my child succeed.

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* 4. My child’s school provides opportunities for and encourages me to participate in parent/teacher conferences, school activities, programs, and meetings.

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* 5. I am able to participate in parent/teacher conferences.

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* 6. What makes it easy for you to participate in school events?

Question Title

* 7. What barriers prevent you from participating?

Question Title

* 8. Overall, I am satisfied with my child's school.


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* 9. The school provides instruction that meets the individual needs of my child.

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* 10. I am satisfied with my child's access to technology at school.

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* 11. I am satisfied with my child's access to WiFi/internet at home.

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* 12. I feel comfortable communicating with my child's teachers.


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* 13. I am satisfied with the teachers and staff at Martin County schools.


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* 14. Do you know the steps to resolve an academic and/or a discipline concern you may have?

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* 15. What methods do you use to obtain information from your child's school or the district?  (Choose all that apply.)

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* 16. To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding communications you receive from your child's school or the district:

  Agree Neutral Disagree
Communication is provided in a timely manner.
Communication is relevant
Communication is easy to understand

Question Title

* 17. MCSD wants to ensure that we effectively communicate with all parents/guardians.  In the space below, please tell us what the MCSD needs to do to improve our efforts to communicate with parents and the community.


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* 18. The overall climate at my child's school is positive and helps my child learn.

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* 19. I feel that my child's school is safe and secure.

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* 20. My child feels safe on the bus.

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* 21. I am satisfied with the dress code at my child's school.

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* 23. Do you have any comments that will help us better understand your satisfaction and engagement, or to expand upon any of your responses?

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* 24. If a teacher or administrator has made an impact on you or your child, please comment.

If you have another child in the Martin County School District, please consider completing another survey.