
Thank you for participating in our survey. The survey is open to anyone who has visited a healthcare facility in Cambridge from 2015 to the present day. The City of Cambridge LGBTQ+ Commission (“LGBTQ+ Commission”) is conducting this research project to better understand the experiences of staff and patients in healthcare facilities in Cambridge, with a particular focus on LGBTQ+ inclusion. Your responses are crucial and will remain anonymous. No identifying information will be shared with the public.
The main survey consists of 11 questions, including 2 optional ones, and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. However, it may take longer if you choose to answer the open-ended/optional questions.
The survey results may be used to provide recommendations for LGBTQ+ inclusion to healthcare facility leaders and staff. Additionally, the results may be shared with interested members of the community.
Please note that all responses will remain anonymous.