I support PUPS-UAW in bargaining collectively to reach a fair contract. This survey allows postdoctoral researchers to provide information about our priorities to the elected bargaining committee. They will use the surveys to prepare a bargaining platform on which we will have the opportunity to vote. After democratic approval of our bargaining platform, the bargaining committee can negotiate with confidence for the needs of all postdoctoral researchers and scholars. I understand that no one pays dues or fees until after a contract has been democratically approved by postdoctoral researchers and associate research scholars.

Question Title

* 1. Name (First, Middle, Last / Nickname)

Question Title

* 2. Mobile Phone

Question Title

* 3. Email (non-Princeton)

Question Title

* 4. Department

Question Title

* 5. Building and Room #

Question Title

* 6. Principal Investigator

Question Title

* 7. Start date at Princeton?

Question Title

* 8. Optional: Are you a member of any of the following groups on campus? (Check all that apply)



Please rate the importance of including each right/protection in a contract for all postdoctoral researchers. 0 = Not Important at All; 1 = Of Little Importance; 2 = Of Average Importance; 3 = Very Important; 4 = Absolutely Essential.

Question Title

* 9. Job Expectations

  0 1 2 3 4
Job Descriptions and Notification
Require timely notification of job-related information, including clear job descriptions with appointment length, duties and evaluation criteria, pay, benefits, and workplace rights, paid time-off/leave
Job Security
Protect against unjust termination or last-minute withdrawal of funding/appointments
Contract Length
Remove 1-year appointment cap to allow for more flexible contract lengths
Ensure the right to address workloads longer than those specified in the appointment contract

Question Title

* 10. Professional Development

  0 1 2 3 4
Job Training and Orientation
Provide adequate job training and orientation for new hires
Mentorship and Career-Related Resources
Ensure adequate mentorship and resources for career development and teaching

Question Title

* 11. Working Environment

  0 1 2 3 4
Disability Access
Increase disability access and services
Health and Safety
Ensure the right to address unsafe or unhealthy work environments
Space and Equipment
Ensure adequate space and materials necessary for assigned duties, including remote work

Question Title

* 12. Workplace Rights

  0 1 2 3 4
Academic Rights
Establish clear intellectual property rights, including ability to be listed as a primary author and protected against listing without consent
Grievance Procedure
Establish a procedure to enforce the contract that includes the ability to take grievances to a neutral arbitrator
Non-Discrimination, Harassment, and Abuse
Strengthen protections against all forms of discrimination, harassment, and abuse including power-based harassment and bullying
International Researcher Rights
Strengthen rights and support for international researchers regarding immigration, appointment length, visas and green cards, taxes, relocation, housing, and employment services

Question Title

* 13. Which of the above issues is most important to you? (Select up to 3)


In order to facilitate the bargaining process effectively, it is important that we decide not only which of the following economic items should be our bargaining goals, but also which of them should be our highest priorities. Put an asterisk in the comments box of the issue you find the most important.

Please rate the importance of including each right/protection in a contract for all postdoctoral researchers.
0 = Not Important at All; 1 = Of Little Importance; 2 = Of Average Importance; 3 = Very Important; 4 = Absolutely Essential.

Question Title

* 14. Childcare and Dependent Coverage

  0 1 2 3 4
Guarantee paid parental and/or family leave
Increase affordable access to childcare, including subsidies
Expand affordable dependent insurance coverage

Question Title

* 15. Wages and Employment

  0 1 2 3 4
Ensure regular experience-based pay increases
Raise base salary
Ensure timely payment of wages and stipends
Guarantee advance pay and/or timely reimbursement for work and training-related expenses
Ensure compensation for additional hours worked beyond those in the employment contract

Question Title

* 16. Health Benefits

  0 1 2 3 4
Expand network coverage near campus
Lower out-of-pocket costs
Allow access to Princeton health services on campus
Provide improved, paid dental and vision insurance coverage
Provide improved, paid mental health coverage

Question Title

* 17. Housing

  0 1 2 3 4
Guarantee access to affordable housing for the duration of appointments and expand eligibility criteria
Provide assistance in finding housing for new postdocs and scholars
Ensure pay increases keep pace with rent increases
Ensure timely replacements/repairs
Establish formal channels for housing grievances

Question Title

* 18. Other Benefits & Issues

  0 1 2 3 4
Establish retirement benefits with combined employer and self-contribution
Increase access to life and disability insurance
Establish access to Princeton educational benefits for all researchers and dependents
Protect and/or increase access to benefits and visas while on leave
Provide access to free tax and investment assistance
Ensure ethical investments and research funding sources
Provide NJ Transit or other public transportation subsidies

Question Title

* 19. Which of the above issues is most important to you? (Select up to 3)

Question Title

* 20. I would like to get more involved in our efforts to win a strong first contract for postdocs and scholars with PUPS-UAW!

Question Title

* 21. Are there any other issues or concerns not mentioned in the survey? Please use the space below for additional comments

Question Title

* 22. What is one change to your current working conditions that would immediately make your life significantly better?