This Award is supported by the LLCI and celebrates the hard work and achievements of Local Land Charges teams in England and Wales.

Teamwork is central to this award - we want to understand how you've worked collaboratively to overcome a challenge, become more efficient, and delivered excellent customer service. The award is open to all Local Authorities: Unitary, District, Metropolitan or County, migrated to HM Land Registry's central register, or not.

Enter the award by answering the four questions below - the word limit for each is 250. Please note that it is the quality of each answer that is important, rather than the length. No supporting evidence is required at this stage. But please submit a team photograph with your entry.

The four questions cover different areas: overcoming a challenge, achievement, driving efficiency and the improvement/maintenance of outstanding service delivery. Your experiences may cover more than one of these areas. If necessary, refer to them in response to more than one question.

The deadline for applications is 29th November 2024. The LLCI Board will then shortlist entries and may ask for further details before making a final decision.

Your entry will be judged by the LLCI and the results will be shared with Land Data.

If you have any questions about completing this form or the award, please contact the Local Land Charges Institute Board at

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your details

Question Title

* 2. Describe a challenge that your team has overcome in the past year.

How did you approach the challenge?
What were the key tasks?
What was the outcome?
(250 words in total)

Question Title

* 3. What has been your team's top achievement over the past year? 

How did you plan and deliver the work?
What has been the impact of this work? 
(250 words in total)

Question Title

* 4. Describe how you team has become more efficient over the past year.

How did you develop and implement new procedures?
What were the key tasks?
What impact has it made to your team's efficiency?
(250 words in total)

Question Title

* 5. Describe how your team has improved or maintained the service it offers to its customers over the past year.

What changes have you made to your working practices?
What impact have these changes had on your customers? 
Summarise the feedback from your customers.
(250 words in total)