
My name is Charles Todaro and I am a student in the Doctor of Psychology program in the John F. Kennedy School of Psychology at National University. This study aims to obtain an in-depth understanding of the impact of musical training on athletic mentality. You are invited to take part in this study if you are 18 years of age or older AND one of the following is true for you:
  1. you identify as being an athlete and you have at least three years of athletic experience in a competitive setting such as high school, competitive travel sports, collegiate intramural, NCAA athletics, or professional sports
  2. you identify as a musician
  3. you identify as both a musician and an athlete (and have at least three years of experience)
The results will be reported in a thesis that I will complete as a requirement of my graduate program.

Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you participate, your responses will be anonymous - recorded without any identifying information that is linked to you. This survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes. You will be asked to fill out a brief demographics survey, a number of questions related to your background in sport and music, your opinions about success, describing yourself, and your experience with mindfulness. You will only be asked to fill in bubbles to answer the types of questions mentioned and no writing is involved.

There are no apparent direct benefits involved in participating in this study, but you may gain some insights into your own athletic background and disposition from the process. The findings of this study will hopefully improve the scientific understanding of mental training for athletics.

There are no apparent physical, legal or financial risks involved in participating in this study. Participating in the surveys is not expected to be distressing. If you find you are becoming upset while completing the survey, you may exit the survey and your data will not be recorded and/or used for the purposes of this research.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact me at (206) 818-2945 or at todarodissertation@gmail.com, or you may contact the chair of my dissertation committee, Dr. Sarah Carroll, at scarroll2@nu.edu.

If you have any questions regarding your rights as a human subject and participant in this study, or to report research-related problems, you may contact the National University Institutional Review Board at (858) 642-8384, or irb@nu.edu

There is no cost or compensation for participating in this study. I greatly appreciate your participating in this study on a voluntary basis. You may withdraw from this study at any time prior to the completion of the study, by simply closing your browser window.

Question Title

* 1. Statement of Consent: ​I have read the above information, and have received answers to any questions I asked. I consent to take part in this study.