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* 1. Do you think candidate DeWayne Normand is trying to deceive us voters with a mailer claiming to be the candidate for both major political parties?

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* 2. Do you think candidate DeWayne Normand is committing mail fraud?

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* 3. Do you think candidate DeWayne Normand owes the community an apology for lying to us residents?

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* 4. Do you think candidate Carol Warren is trying to deceive us voters in her candidate ballot statement claiming to have solved the homeless crisis?

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* 5. Do you think candidate Carol Warren is committing ballot fraud and mail fraud?

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* 6. Do you think candidate Carol Warren owes the community an apology for lying to us residents?

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* 7. Do you think these two candidates have put our entire city council's credibility on the line?

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* 8. Do you think their campaign materials should be turned over to the District Attorney for prosecution?

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* 9. Offer your feedback about anything. City Hall, city council, council candidates.... anything:

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