Brief Norwalk Mental Health Survey

Please let us know how you are doing by completed this SHORT survey. We appreciate your time, and we will keep this survey ANONYMOUS. 
1.In what way has COVID19 affected your emotional well being?
2.In what way has COVID19 affected your relationships with family and/or friends?
3.Are you getting the mental health support you need right now?
4.Over the past 2 weeks how often have you been bothered by the following problems:
Not at
More than half
of the days
every day
Little interest or pleasure in doing things
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge
Worrying too much about different things
5.How concerned are you about your child's current level of:
Not at all concerned
Slightly concerned
Extremely concerned
Stress and anxiety
6.The Norwalk Partnership and Norwalk ACTS are hosting a Mental Health Walk and Wellness Fair on May 7th (raindate May 21st). Will you come?
7.Where do you live?