Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following speakers:

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Did not attend
Influencer Breakout #3: Leslie Carothers
Influencer Breakout #4: Zandra Zuraw
Brand Breakout #3: Mollie Surratt
Brand Breakout #4: Sasha Wallace
General Session: Chad Smith
General Session and Closing Keynote: Emily Shaw

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the sessions on providing useful, practical information:

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Did not attend
Influencer Breakout #3: Building and Managing Online Communities For Highly Qualified Leads and Faster Sales
Influencer Breakout #4: How to Land Interviews That Will Skyrocket Your Career
Brand Breakout #3: Pro Tips on Working with Influencers
Brand Breakout #4: Honoring Brand Voice for Influencer and Collaborative Marketing
General Session: The Rise of Social Commerce and What It Means for Design Influencers
General Session and Closing Keynote: Emily Shaw

Question Title

* 3. What was your overall evaluation of the sessions?

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent Did not attend
Influencer Breakout #3: Building and Managing Online Communities For Highly Qualified Leads and Faster Sales
Influencer Breakout #4: How to Land Interviews That Will Skyrocket Your Career
Brand Breakout #3: Pro Tips on Working with Influencers
Brand Breakout #4: Honoring Brand Voice for Influencer and Collaborative Marketing
General Session: The Rise of Social Commerce and What It Means for Design Influencers
General Session and Closing Keynote: Emily Shaw

Question Title

* 4. What is your level of social media experience?

Question Title

* 5. How likely is it that you would recommend this conference to a colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

Question Title

* 6. If you wish to be eligible for the drawing for one of two $50 gift cards, please enter your name below.