Test your knowledge and see what you have learnt about the bright Orange-bellied Parrot.

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* 1. The OBP has a _____________ patch on their belly and a _______ band between their eyes.

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* 2. All the OBPs in the world weigh less than one what?

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* 3. OBPs live half of the year in south-west Tasmanian, where do they fly to during the winter?

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* 4. OBPs eat mostly tiny seeds

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* 5. What is the name of the only location where the OBP breeds?

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* 6. How many Orange-bellied Parrots are left in the wild?

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* 7. Which of the below are major threats to the OBPs population?

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* 8. How many OBPs are there across the five captive breeding program locations?

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* 9. Which of the following have you completed?

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* 10. At home activity - How many different species of birds did you find in your backyard?