Policy Summit Post-Event Evaluation

Policy Summit Objectives and Evaluation

  • After this program, attendees should be able to: 
  • Describe how key challenges in the regulation and coverage of gene therapies affect their profession. 
  • Analyze how information and views presented on the current challenges and opportunities in gene therapy development may affect your advocacy messaging. 
  • Apply knowledge gained to your work on the development of, and access to, gene therapies.  
1.Did you attend the Policy Summit in-person, virtually, or both?
2.Are you currently an ASGCT member? 
3.How were the Meeting Objectives met by the Policy Summit based on your current professional role?
Not at all met
Somewhat met
Completely met
4.Overall, how satisfied were you with your conference experience?
Not at all satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Completely satisfied
5.What did you learn at the Policy Summit about regulatory and coverage challenges for gene therapies? 
6.How do you plan to apply what you learned at the Policy Summit at your company/institution? 
7.What suggestions do you have to make future Policy Summits more beneficial and useful for you? 
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered