2024 Participant Satisfaction Survey

Cancer Support Community of Greater St. Louis continuously strives to meet the needs of our community. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and let us know what you think of our programs and Cancer Support Community in general. Your feedback is very important to us!
1.You participate at CSC-STL as a: (Select all that apply)(Required.)
2.When you first came to CSC-STL, which option best describes your situation or that of your loved ones? (Check one)(Required.)
3.How long have you been attending CSC-STL programs? (Check one)(Required.)
4.Cancer Support Community- St. Louis Overall- Please rate your satisfaction with the following:(Required.)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied
The variety of programs offered
The time/days of the week programs are offered
The number of programs offered
The effectiveness of people leading programs
General atmosphere at CSC-STL
5.Is there anything you would like to add about your experience at CSC-STL?
6.Select which programs you attend: (Select all that apply)(Required.)
7.Please rate the programs you attend(ed): If any of the following do not apply to you, please select N/A. (Required.)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied
Individual Support
Support/Networking Group
Educational Workshops
Social Programs
Nutrition Programs
Movement Programs
Stress Management/Healing Arts
8.Please list any programming suggestions, ideas, or positive feedback you have.
9.Please indicate your level of agreement to the following statements as a result of attending CSC-STL: If any of the following do not apply to you, please select N/A. (Required.)
Strongly Dissatisfied
Strongly Satisfied
My quality of life has improved.
I feel more connected with others.
I am better able to cope with my emotions.
I feel more empowered to make informed health related decisions.
I feel more empowered to manage my (or my loved one's) illness .
I feel more able to access community resources.
I have had opportunities to find hope and meaning.
10.Which of the following do you use regularly to learn about programs and activities of CSC-STL?(Required.)
11.If you would like to share a testimonial about how you have benefited from CSC-STL programs, please enter your thoughts below. If you would like to be anonymous, please indicate, otherwise first name with last initial may be used.
Thank you for your time. Click the finish button and be redirected to your raffle entry form, for your chance to win a $50 gift card! All surveys are anonymous and will not be linked to your raffle entry form.
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