TAICEP 2020 Post-Virtual Conference Survey

1.Please indicate which country you are currently located:
2.Do you feel the timing of this conference is convenient? (October)
3.The registration process went smoothly.
4.The conference was well promoted/advertised.
5.The cost for a virtual conference was reasonable.
6.Due to budget restrictions with my organization/institution I self-funded for this year's virtual TAICEP conference.
7.Did you find the conference format and session recordings beneficial?
8.I would like to attend the 2021 TAICEP conference and would prefer
9.My organization/institution will probably have travel/budget restrictions in 2021 that would prevent me from attending an in-person conference.
10.If another virtual conference is held in the future, I would prefer
11.How did you first hear about the conference?
12.What did you like the best about the conference?
13.What did you dislike about the conference?
14.What topics would you like to see covered at next year’s conference?
15.Using your expertise and knowledge through joining a committee is a good way to get involved in TAICEP. Not to mention, it’s a great professional development and networking opportunity! Check all committees you are interested in and provide your name and email address in the "other” section.
16.Please share any final comments, questions, or concerns regarding the conference overall.
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered