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**Please read before completing the application**

The Kentucky Chamber Foundation’s Workforce Recovery Program is hosting another Fair Chance Academy! The Fair Chance Academy aims to provide businesses with training and experiences to adopt a Fair Chance workplace that provides transformational employment successfully. A total of 20 companies will be selected for Cohort IV. The selected businesses will attend three (3) sessions of training and workshops, followed by implementing actionable steps to prepare for being transformational employers with the assistance of the Workforce Recovery Program. This initiative bridges the gap between businesses' need for employees and those in active recovery or returning citizens to find meaningful employment.  After attending The Fair Chance Academy, Kentucky businesses are equipped with the tools and resources to help them successfully hire, train, and retain exceptional talent and be on the road to becoming transformational employers.  We invite you to apply for this cohort of the Fair Chance Academy!
Following the completion of this application form, all applicants must submit a Letter of Support from their Change Agent/Supervisor to be considered for the Fair Chance Academy. The form can be found at the link below. All completed letters can be emailed to Ryan Bowman at 

Please click here to access the Letter of Support.

The deadline to apply to Cohort IV is Friday, August 4, 2023.

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* 1. Are you available to attend the Fair Chance Academy on the following dates?

Cohort IV
  • Thursday, August 31, 2023
  • Wednesday, September 6, 2023
  • Thursday, September 14, 2023

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* 2. First Name

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* 3. Last Name 

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* 4. Email Address

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* 5. Employer

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* 6. Job Title

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* 7. Phone Number

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* 8. Mailing Address (for materials to be sent)

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* 10. Approximate number of employees in your organization       

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* 11. Describe your level of involvement and responsibility at your organization regarding talent recruitment, development, and retention? (Respond in 250 words or less)         

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* 12. Describe your company’s existing activities to create a fair chance or transformational employment culture. (Respond in 250 words or less)

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* 13. Describe the relationships, alignments, and partnerships your company currently engages in to support your employees that reduce barriers to employment. A list or narrative description is acceptable. (Respond in 250 words or less)

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* 14. What interests you most about participating in the Kentucky Chamber Foundation Workforce Recovery’s Fair Chance Academy? (Respond in 250 words or less)

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* 15. How will you leverage the skills, knowledge, and resources gained through this Fair Chance Academy to expand fair chance employment opportunities in your community and throughout Kentucky? (Respond in 250 words or less)

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* 16. As part of the Fair Chance Academy, the Kentucky Chamber Foundation will provide a copy of Untapped Talent by Jeffrey D. Korzenik, which will be used for discussion during the Academy.

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* 17. I understand that in order to be considered for this training, I must submit a completed CEO Letter of Support Form to Ryan Bowman at (Please initial)
Please note that the form can be found at the beginning of this survey.

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* 18. Please provide a short bio that will be used in Fair Chance Academy marketing and materials should you be selected as a participant (150 words or less).

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* 19. Please upload a high-resolution headshot/picture that will be used in Fair Chance Academy marketing and material should you be selected as a participant.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.

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* 20. Applicant Signature

0 of 20 answered