The City of Florence developed six goals and associated objectives for updating the Transportation System Plan (TSP). Please complete the survey below to indicate if you think the objectives will help meet the goals? If not, what would you change?

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* 1. Goal 1: Creating a safe transportation system for all - Prioritize the safe movement for all users and for all modes within the community along city, county, and state roadways. Minimize crashes and fatalities that occur on the transportation network.

Objective 1A:
Address known safety issues at locations with a history of fatal or severe injury crashes

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* 2. Objective 1B: Provide safe pedestrian crossings on state highways and at additional locations off state highways

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* 3. Objective 1C: Support roadway improvements that provide safe access for all users, regardless of age, ability, or mode of transportation

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* 4. Goal 2: Building right-sized facilities that support economic development & are cost-effective - Build transportation facilities that are suited for the community and its continued economic development. These facilities do not necessarily need to be built to accommodate summer peak periods.

Objective 2A:
Provide convenient access for motor vehicles, transit, bicycles and pedestrians to major activity centers

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* 5. Objective 2B: Design streets, bikeways and walkways to meet the needs of pedestrians and cyclists to promote convenient circulation

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* 6. Objective 2C: Provide the efficient movement of goods, services, and people and maintain City minimum vehicular operating standards

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* 7. Objective 2D: Preserve the function of both US 101 and US 126 for regional traffic while building transportation connections between the City and these highways

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* 8. Objective 2E: Minimize negative impacts of vehicular traffic to existing and future neighborhoods, and to developable and developed commercial and industrial sites

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* 9. Objective 2F: Balance the City's strong tourism economy with the transportation related impacts from visitors

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* 10. Goal 3: Meeting the wide-ranging transportation needs of all users - Build a transportation system that meets the needs of all users in Florence. Invest in non-automotive transportation modes to help people travel within Florence. Connect neighborhoods to major activity centers without needing to use an automobile.

Objective 3A: Create a non-motorized network that has a high degree of comfort (i.e. minimal Level of Traffic Stress)

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* 11. Objective 3B: Close key gaps in the pedestrian or non-motorized system, creating short, easy, and accessible loops within the network

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* 12. Objective 3C: Provide pedestrian or non-motorized connectivity to schools, business districts, transit stops and corridors, and/or parks – including bicycle parking

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* 13. Objective 3D: Promote demand management programs (i.e. incentives to use non-automotive modes, parking management) to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips

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* 14. Objective 3E: Support frequent and reliable transit service for transit stops and corridors, including (but not limited to) stop amenities, identifying a regional service hub, etc.

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* 15. Goal 4: Minimizing environmental impacts - Support policies and programs that minimize pollution and reduce impacts to the environment and climate change. Support environmental justice policies, recognizing that transportation impacts are more likely to be felt negatively by historically marginalized communities. 

Objective 4A: Minimize the impacts on natural and cultural resources when constructing transportation facilities

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* 16. Objective 4C: Select alternatives which balance the requirements of other goals with the need to minimize air, water, light, and noise pollution

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* 17. Objective 4D: Construct transportation facilities that minimize impacts on natural resources such as streams, wetlands, and wildlife corridors

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* 18. Goal 5: Adding resilience to the network & planning for emergencies - Create a transportation network that can quickly evacuate residents in the event of a major earthquake and/or tsunami and can build resilience within the community.

Objective 5A: Design and construct new transportation facilities to withstand a Cascadia event earthquake and be resistant to the associated tsunami

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* 19. Objective 5B: Locate new transportation facilities outside the tsunami inundation zones where feasible

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* 20. Objective 5C: Develop transportation facilities that both enhance community livability and serve as tsunami evacuation routes

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* 21. Objective 5D: Coordinate evacuation route and signage planning in conjunction with existing or proposed transportation system plan pedestrian and bicycle route planning efforts

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* 22. Objective 5E: Design streets to efficiently and safely accommodate emergency service vehicles

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* 23. Goal 6: Coordinating with local, regional, & state partners - Foster strong relationships with public and private partners in the common interest of building the city’s transportation network.

Objective 6A: Ensure consistency with local plans including the Comprehensive Plan, state plans, transit plans, and the plans of neighboring jurisdictions

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* 24. Objective 6B: Ensure consistency with statewide planning documents such as the Transportation Planning Rule, Oregon Transportation Plan, Oregon Highway Plan, and ODOT modal plans

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* 25. Objective 6C: Partner with local, county, and state agencies to invest in a transportation network that meets everyone’s needs

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* 26. Objective 6D: Meet the goals and policies laid out in the City’s other planning efforts, including the Housing Implementation Plan Project