Treinen March webinar debrief Question Title * 1. How useful to you or your organization was this topic and the information shared? not at all useful somewhat useful extremely useful not at all useful somewhat useful extremely useful Comments OK Question Title * 2. How was the presentation of the information? (please select all that apply) organized too little information energetic easy to understand/follow interesting too much information the right amount of information thoughtful Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. Which of the following topics would be most interesting to you for future webinars? Supporting a project sponsor: strategies project managers must do to effectively engage and support project sponsors Change management: how to make change "stick" Why you need a business analyst after requirements are gathered Writing RFPs that result in great proposals from the right vendors Lessons learned: why our projects have SUCCEEDED Deciding between COTS (commercial off the shelf) or custom development Translating RFP requirements into usable requirements for development Other (please specify) OK DONE