
Since May 2024, the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments (TMACOG), in collaboration with local and regional partners, has been developing a Regional Freight Plan to enhance the safety, convenience, and community impact of freight transportation in Lucas and Wood counties in Ohio.

The planning team has inventoried and assessed the baseline conditions of key freight assets in the TMACOG region, including roadways, railroads, ports, airports, pipelines, and intermodal facilities. Feedback from freight industry stakeholders and the public were gathered through online surveys, stakeholder interviews, and project meetings. Based on these findings, a Needs Assessment and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis have been developed to identify necessary improvements within the regional freight network.

As the project nears completion, we are seeking your feedback on the findings of the baseline conditions analysis, Needs/SWOT assessments, and proposed projects. Key findings from these study elements are incorporated into the following survey, but if you would like more detailed information, please download additional the project resources from the TMACOG website here: https://tmacog.org/transportation/freight-plan. This information and survey is the same as what was presented at the public Open House on December 10, 2024, so if you attended that event you do not need to fill out this survey.

Your insights are crucial in helping us create a safer, more efficient, and community-friendly freight system. Thank you for your participation!