The Technical Mapping Advisory Council (TMAC) is seeking input from a wide range of stakeholders regarding graduated approaches to flood hazard and risk communication and a greater understanding of flood risk.   Key stakeholder input will be reviewed by TMAC as they develop recommendations to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in planning for the Future of Flood Risk Data (FFRD). Your valuable feedback may inform the program’s evolving products and services to best meet National Flood Insurance Program customer needs.

Question Title

* 2. In your primary job function, who are the top 3 stakeholders you most often provide products or services for/to? (Select 3)

Question Title

* 3. Do you currently hold any of the following National Flood Insurance Program-supporting designations? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Of the four main elements of the National Flood Insurance Program, which element does your professional role most closely align? (Select one)

Question Title

* 6. Which of the following governmental entities do you support or represent?

Question Title

* 8. How adequate are the NFIP flood maps (FIRMs, FHBMs, etc.) in helping you manage flood risk?

Question Title

* 9. If you work for a local community, does your community have a full-time, dedicated Floodplain Manager?

Question Title

* 10. What does graduated risk mean to you, in the context of flood risk management and mitigation?

Question Title

* 11. Select the kinds of obstacles that exist as barriers to using graduated flood hazard and risk information by identifying the magnitude of the barrier.

  Significant barriers Many barriers Some barriers No barriers exist
Data Availability
Dissemination of information
Technical literacy
Community desire

Question Title

* 12. Do you have specific recommendations for how to enhance the use of graduated flood hazard and risk data?

Question Title

* 13. Which of the following maps would most help you communicate flood hazards or risk?

Question Title

* 14. Which of the following maps would most help you manage flood risk?

Question Title

* 15. What would you need to implement a floodplain management strategy capable of leveraging graduated flood hazard and risk data?

Question Title

* 16. How would graduated flood hazard and risk data help you prepare for climate change, as compared to the current binary approach?

Question Title

* 17. Does graduated flood hazard and risk data present opportunities or challenges as you help your community prepare for climate change in the following areas?

  A great opportunity Somewhat of an opportunity Somewhat of a challenge A great challenge
Communicating with stakeholders
Clarity among floodplain management practitioners
Compatibility with existing regulations
Updated regulations
Local development
Insurance premiums

Question Title

* 18. When considering whether the NFIP allows State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial entities (SLTTs) to play a sufficient role in developing flood hazard information, you:

Question Title

* 19. What could communities like yours provide to FEMA to help them develop more localized understanding of flood hazard and flood risk?

Question Title

* 20. How well do you feel you understand the approach of FEMA’s Risk Rating 2.0?

Question Title

* 21. Is there any additional information you need from FEMA in order for your community to understand Risk Rating 2.0 well enough to communicate the new ratings system to your stakeholders?

Question Title

* 22. Do you include any forecasting of future flood conditions based on future land use, population change, climate change, sea level rise, etc. in any of your management or planning decisions?

Question Title

* 23. How comfortable are you integrating information about modeled future flood conditions into your community’s flood hazard planning or mitigation activities?

Question Title

* 24. Traditional risk management looks at the probability and consequences of an event. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), on the other hand, is intended to be a broad, comprehensive approach to reducing the impact of uncertainty on the enterprise mission through a continually improving process of identifying, assessing, and managing risk. ERM relies on internal controls to see that the mission objectives are met.

To what extent do you employ ERM in your job function as it relates to flood risk management?

Question Title

* 25. Are you interested in increasing your community’s use of ERM?

Question Title

* 26. Are you interested in further engagement opportunities related to any of the following topics? If so, please select all that apply and provide your email address.

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100% of survey complete.