Thank you for using the Workplace Innovation Diagnostic®. We hope that it has delivered in-depth insights into working practices and culture at Gregory Distribution, and that it has enabled you to identify targeted actions for improvement and innovation throughout the organisation.

Our team would value feedback on your experience of using the Diagnostic, and naturally we welcome any suggestions for improvement. The following questions should only take a few minutes to complete, and we’re not expecting long answers! Your responses will be treated with the strictest confidence unless you indicate otherwise.

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* 1. To what extent has the Workplace Innovation Diagnostic® met your expectations? Please comment.

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* 2. Did you receive sufficient support from our team in setting up and implementing the survey?

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* 3. Were you satisfied with the advice you received on maximising survey returns from your employees?

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* 4. Were the Diagnostic findings presented clearly and effectively in the Executive Report and detailed breakdowns?

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* 5. Did the post-Diagnostic workshop communicate the results and their implications effectively?

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* 6. Have the Diagnostic results enabled you to identify targeted actions for improvement and innovation in working practices?

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* 7. How likely are you to use the Workplace Innovation Diagnostic® in the future?

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* 8. If you would like to receive further information on our post-Diagnostic support packages please enter your email address below.

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* 9. Any other comments or suggestions?

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* 10. Can you offer a short, attributable quote that we can use to publicise the Workplace Innovation Diagnostic®?