Pyramid of Knowledge Thank you for beta testing Pyramid of Knowledge! Please take a few minutes to share your experience. Question Title * 1. What grade are you in? 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade College Not in School Question Title * 2. What is your gender? Male Female Question Title * 3. What is your overall reaction to playing Pyramid of Knowledge? Very positive Positive Neutral Negative Very negative Question Title * 4. Would you recommend Pyramid of Knowledge to a friend? Yes No If no, please explain. Question Title * 5. Did you find taking the "quizzes" to be less stressful than other test taking options? Yes No Question Title * 6. How effective was the game at helping you to retain subject matter? Extremely effective Very effective Somewhat effective Not so effective Not at all effective Question Title * 7. On a scale of 0 - 100, how fun do you feel it was to take a quiz? 0 0 Being Horrible and 100 Being Really Fun! 100 Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 8. If you could change one thing about Pyramid of Knowledge, what would it be and why? Question Title * 9. What do you like best about the game? Question Title * 10. What do you like least about the game? Question Title * 11. How would you rate Pyramid of Knowledge? Do Not Recommend Recommend Highly Recommend Do Not Recommend Recommend Highly Recommend Question Title * 12. How can we improve Pyramid of Knowledge? Send us your ideas and suggestions. Done