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The Geoscience Division of the Council of Undergraduate Research (GeoCUR) recognizes the critical work of developing best practices in undergraduate research. This award highlights individuals that place undergraduate research at the center of professional activities. GeoCUR annually recognizes individuals who are initiating creative, impactful, and/or innovative undergraduate research activities.

All Geoscientists involved in the mentoring of undergraduate research and/or who are developing new undergraduate research programs or opportunities. This award intends to recognize those in the earlier stages of integrating undergraduate students into the enterprise of open ended inquiry and research. Generally, nominees for this award fit into one or more of these categories:
- Mentoring UG for 10 years or fewer
- Recently transitioned to undergraduate research
- Not more than 10 years since Masters or PhD
Prize: $600
Expectations of Awardee: Short presentation when prize is awarded during the NAGT
luncheon at the national GSA conference each fall.
The application will be open in May of 2025. An awardee is selected and notified during the summer 2025 and the award will be presented at the Geological Society of America Fall Meeting at the GSA Education Division/NAGT/CUR joint luncheon.

For questions regarding this award, please contact Allison Schwartz at

Question Title

* 1. Name of Nominee

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* 2. Email of Nominee

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* 3. Nominator (if different from nominee)

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* 4. Email of Nominator (if different from nominee)

Question Title

* 5. Upload a single pdf including:

- A one-page detailed narrative from the nominee explaining how they meet the criteria of the award and up to a five-page CV that is focused on interactions with students.

- Three letters of support:
  • (1) from a student research participant
  • (2) from someone who can comment on the nominee’s professional role (e.g. from someone within the nominees’ institution, department, program, professional organization),
  • (3) to be submitted at the discretion of the applicant

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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