Thank you for attending our Spring 2017 Meeting. Please take a moment to fill out this quick survey to provide us with feedback on how we can make our future events even better.

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* 1. Overall, was the event content useful and informative?

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* 2. Did the VAEEC update at the beginning of the meeting provide enough details?

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* 3. Did you like having the membership survey included during the business portion of the meeting?

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* 4. Do you feel there was adequate time for audience engagement during the breakout sessions?

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* 5. If attended, please rate the Commercial Building Automation breakout session.

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* 6. If attended, please rate the Residential Utility Programs breakout session.

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* 7. Did you like the interactive format of the final session: Energy Efficiency Priorities for 2018?

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* 8. Please rank the final session: Energy Efficiency Priorities for 2018.

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* 9. What other topics would you like to see at future events?

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* 10. Please share your overall comments, feedback, or suggestions about the Spring Meeting.